VMware Fusion and Workstation Free

Download VMware Fusion and Workstation Free for Personal Use


VMware Desktop Hypervisor Pro Apps Now Available for Personal Use


  1. Open broadcom.com with your web browser
  2. In the upper right corner, select ‘Support Portal’
  3. Log in by clicking ‘Go To Portal’ or ‘Register’ for a basic Broadcom account (link to the registration form)
  4. Once logged in, go to support.braodcom.com if you’re not automatically redirected there
  5. Click the dropdown in the upper right to choose the VMware Cloud Foundation division
  6. On the left, click ‘My Downloads’
  7. Look for either Fusion or Workstation
  8. Click the product name (VMware Fusion or VMware Workstation Pro )
  9. Notice the dropdown for the Personal Use edition (it is the exact same binaries as the Commercial one)
  10. Select 17.5.2 or 13.5.2
  11. Download and install